Penyerahan Naskah

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Daftar Tilik Penyerahan Naskah

Penulis yang ingin memasukkan naskah harus memperhatikan poin-poin di bawah ini. Jika naskah tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah dicantumkan, ada kemungkinan naskah tersebut akan dikembalikan.
  • Naskah belum pernah diterbitkan sebelumnya, dan tidak sedang dalam pertimbangan untuk diterbitkan di jurnal lain (atau sudah dijelaskan dalam Komentar kepada Editor).
  • File naskah dalam format dokumen OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, atau RTF.
  • Referensi yang dapat diakses online telah dituliskan URL-nya.
  • Naskah diketik dengan teks 1 spasi; font 12; menggunakan huruf miring, bukan huruf bergaris bawah (kecuali alamat URL); dan semua ilustrasi, gambar, dan tabel diletakkan dalam teks pada tempat yang diharapkan, bukan dikelompokkan tersendiri di akhir naskah.
  • Naskah mengikuti aturan gaya selingkung dan bibliografi yang disyaratkan dalam Panduan Penulis.

Panduan Penulis

The writing guidelines are in accordance with the provisions below: (or you can download the following link: Abdi Cendekia Author Guidelines)   

Journal article manuscripts to be submitted to the Abdi Cendekia: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, are the results of research in the field of study within the scope of Education and Social Sciences, both in the context of material objects and formal objects.

The script uses Indonesian according to PUEBI and / or standard English.

Manuscripts must be original, have never been published or are not being considered for publication in other scientific periodicals.

The maximum length of the main text is 6,000 words (excluding research instruments and other attachments).

Manuscript writing takes into account the norms and ethics of scientific writing. The writing uses standard Indonesian grammar rules.

Systematics of Writing Research Results:

Title, Article Title in 14 words, provides an overview of the research that has been carried out (brief, straightforward, and informative), Cambria 14 spaces 1, space after 6 pt before 0 pt).

Author's name, written in full without title and typed under the title of the article. If the author is more than one person, it is added to the next line.

The origin of the institution is written by stating the name of the institution where it works (University).
Email address, write an email address that is still active.

Abstracts are written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. Abstract contains a brief description of the problem and research objectives, the methods used, and the research results. The emphasis of abstract writing is mainly on study results. Abstract typing is done with a single space with a narrower margin compared to the right and left margins of the main text, which is approximately 250 words.

Keywords, the number of keywords 3-5 words or phrases.


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